Why You Should Pay Attention To Your Pinterest Marketing Strategy

3 min readAug 25, 2020

It’s true, you should be paying attention to your Pinterest marketing strategy. When most people come online to make money and become wealthy Pinterest is hardly the first choice of social platforms. It’s an easy bet that people will sign up for Facebook, G+, and Twitter, because it seems like it’s almost the norm for marketers to congregate at these locations.

Lately, I’ve had to pay attention to my Pinterest account because of all the activity that is happening on there.

Maybe you already know that Pinterest is important. Good for you. It’s not that I DIDN’T think that it wasn’t important, I just really never had the mind to stay active on there. Sure I had enough brains to actually create the account a year ago, and I do pin my images every time I post on this blog, but there is something more there.

Why Your Pinterest Marketing Strategy is Important

Ok so one day last week I was looking at my stats and about fell over. Over 35% of my blog’s traffic was coming from Pinterest. It’s kinda like when you casually throw something at the wastebasket without thinking about it and it goes in…if you had tried to do it, you probably wouldn’t have made it. That’s the way I felt when I looked at my Pinterest stats.

Then I remembered the Pinterest marketing tool I had been using since two months ago. I had totally forgotten all about it!

Let me explain this to you

As I researched these results I began to realize that a picture WAS worth a thousand words, and, in my case, almost a thousand dollars too! This tool had single-handedly created income without me even realizing it was working!

Ok, let me reel this back before it starts sounding like a sales pitch, because I don’t mean for it to.

While I was pinning images from every new post that I published, I forgot that this thing was working behind the scenes for me while I wasn’t there. I guess in my busy haste, I set it up and left it and it began to become active on this platform for me, pinning, liking, and re-pinning others images to my boards.

No wonder I kept getting all of those emails about more people following me, liking this image or that image, and getting notifications of people re-pinning my images.

The importance of a Pinterest marketing strategy is engagement. If you are staying active on any social platform, sooner or later, you’re going to hit the mark. Heck, even a broken clock is right two times a day!

But you understand the concept of engaging. From where I’m standing, it looks as though the more I have pinned and re-pinned and liked on other people’s boards, the more they have reciprocated as well back to me. It’s not as though you want to go big time on Pinterest, but a few hundred people per day on this platform would be nice, right? That’s why you need to learn how to market your blog for Pinterest the right way and understand the concepts of getting engaged to others around you.

Understanding The Pinterest Marketing Strategy

People respond to images. That’s no big disclosure. You already knew that. But what if you could pick the right image? What if you could pin something to Pinterest, leave it for a couple of days (or in my case literally months) and find out that something extraordinary had happened in your stats?

Try this awesome Pinterest marketing strategy, I know you’re going to be surprised like I was. I will also start posting reports about this tool as I get more familiar with it. As of right now, all I know is that it can keep you active on Pinterest. However, as I look at the dashboard interface, there are tons more things that you can do with it. Don’t forget about promotion with Press Releases, can bring a lot of traffic to your website.

