Why Facebook Is The “Greediest” In Social Media

5 min readAug 11, 2020

You’re out there all by yourself, trying to make an honest living at home. Whatever your situation, it has brought you to the point of trying online income out as a primary means to bring home the bacon for your family.

I really get it.

I was there myself not too long ago. That’s why I vowed to show people the cheapest ways to promote their blog and get great traffic to their blog fast and efficient.

What I don’t get is the sheer fact that three posts that I have written about Facebook in the past month, are basically null and void. Well, not the concepts and the way to get more likes, notice-ability, etc, but what’s different is the prices for these features.

Is Facebook Becoming Money Hungry?

If you haven’t noticed, Facebook has changed everything about their prices on advertising and promoted posts for fan pages here lately. It could be a number of different reasons as to why they actually made this change, but of course, money is the number one reason and not protecting your privacy.

Heck, I think Facebook is getting so bad and starting to become such “money-grubbers” that I actually put the word Greedy in italics in the post for fear of them coming after me with a lawsuit!

One could also say that Facebook is trying to make room for big businesses to advertise while pushing the small marketer to the side. I recently ran across a website that explained how Facebook only made 2 pennies per ever user on Facebook. That does sound like means to jack up the ad prices doesn’t it?

However, they then go on to tell us that Facebook made $64 million in revenue. But what they’re not thinking about is that everyone on Facebook is not using it for business.

If someone could find out the number of people that only use Facebook for personal reasons, I believe that it would outnumber the one’s that actually use it for business purposes. So this number is off by my calculation.

Like my Facebook page for more info like this!

Recently their fan page advertising for “Likes” only used to be a moderate $30. Meaning that you HAD to spend thirty dollars in order to even advertise with them. Last night, I found out something different. I don’t know if you can actually read the words in pink, but if you can’t it basically says that $30 is too low of a budget. They now only accept $70 as the lowest form of advertising for fan pages!

On to Promoted Posts:

One other thing Facebook has changed recently is the pricing for their promoted posts for your fan page. I have included yet another screen shot of what these prices are.

Promoted posts used to only cost us $5-$10, and reach upwards of 11k people! Now you can see what they are doing with it. Also, promoted posts aren’t that great for building your fan page base. I’m not saying that it can’t be done, but as you already know, promoted posts can reach your fans and their friends. So it is possible, but I have never had that much luck with getting a new fan through promoted posts. This comes later, when your fan base is pretty large.

Building Fans With Facebook’s Prices This High

Like I said before, I can understand that you may not have enough cash to spend on a $70 fan page like advertisement, or even a $50 promoted post. Shoot, I’m making pretty decent money right now and I don’t even want to spend that much money on it!

So what to do?

Well, there’s really nothing that we can do about the ad prices changing. Other than beating our heads against the wall, we’re pretty much going to have to live with it. However, there are little things that you can do to build your fan base up without having to spend that much money on it.

Please note: Free ways, even though they work in the end, aren’t faster than spending money on the advertising.

I tried to think about what I would have done if this had happened to me while I was trying to break into the blogging industry. Here are the solutions that I have thought of…and some I still do today!

  • Holding Contests: Using free websites to build on your Facebook fan page likes in a hurry. There is one catch to this. Give away something that pertains to your website or what you are trying to say on your blog. In other words, make it niche-worthy. Otherwise, you’re going to have a lot of un-targeted people liking your page just to get the prize.
  • Fan Page Friday: Create a Fan Page Friday on your fan page. Announce it about three days before and watch as people line up to get their fan page listed. This is a really fast way to get more likes to your page, however, it’s very chaotic and does bring a lot of un-targeted fans. That said, only “advertise” your event in Facebook groups that are closely related to the niche you’re in.
  • Include it in your email: Place your fan page in your signature link of your email to get more likes.
  • Send it to your email list: Another great way to get targeted fans is to send it to your email list.
  • Start a sharing group: This is a great way to get the word out on your fan page. I’m currently in a lot of different sharing groups right now and it really helps to build your reader base.

Rolling With The Facebook Punches

Facebook is probably going to raise their prices again and again. And while I may think that $70 is too expensive now, it probably won’t change when they raise it to $150!

A good blogger will adapt to the changes made in social media. A great blogger will not only adapt but succeed in becoming wealthy. Don’t just be a mediocre blogger. Stand out from the crowd. Be consistent. This will happen for you if you really put your heart into it.

Hey Facebook! Your ads are too expensive! But if you think that’s going to stop us from succeeding, if you are trying to weed us out, then you may as well stop because we’re not going anywhere!

